I find it ridiculous these idiots are protesting government spending on bailouts resulting from the lack of oversight and enforcement by previous administrations. Even more ridiculous was the lack of protests at the outset of the previous adminstration starting a war costing thousands of American and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives, over 8 years and many trillions of dollars. Hippies of the 60's were nor more deluded than these people are, no matter the mind altering substances the Hippies ingested. What is it that's so outrageous? I'm not defending the spending of this administration. I'm pissed too. Especially the corporate bailouts. But, did we have much choice? Now we have a chance to do some good for our country - major reform of the most fucked up health care system in the world, with a real payback over time, and these idiots decide to protest. What was it about a WAR that couldn't get them off their asses?