I'm not sure if not carrying cash has much of an effect on the PM numbers. As much as more of the world is now cashless, there are still some places where cash is smart to have around. The nearest party store to me here in SCS won't even process credit card orders under $5, and some rare places cash is more convenient.

I always have $12 on me at all times. You never know when you need to go to a laundromat, or vending machine.

Also the DPM stations sell tokens... you can get however many you might want or need.

Not saying everyone is inconvenienced by the requirement of cash, but having a backup plan can be prudent.

One of these days we're going to get another solar flair, like the big one of 1859, and when all electric service is either shut down in anticipation, or worse... the power grid gets fried... having some sort of cash backup plan is not a bad idea.... although it won't allow for pumping gas....