Quote Originally Posted by enio View Post
I'm attaching an email from Rivian describing legislation that would effectively ban EV companies from doing business in Michigan.


Text of HB 6233


Michigan must really be desperate if they are willing to force a new auto company like Rivian from doing business in the state.

Even though the Detroit legacy manufacturers would prefer to limit competition, electric cars and trucks are continuing to make inroads world wide. See --


BTW, it may only be a coincidence, but the House vote will occur on Tesla Battery Day. Fortunately, Michigan Luddites can only slow, not stop the death spiral.
Pretty sure the auto dealers are the ones behind this, not the automakers. It is unfair that the traditional automakers have to abide by state dealer distribution laws, while Tesla can sell directly to consumer. But the model was always flawed, and it was the dealers who had it set up this way. If those laws get overturned, a lot of local dealerships would eventually go out of business.