Quote Originally Posted by Smirnoff View Post
Or this?

"And I go into the police station with the prisoners and Lt. Ray Good, I’ll never forget this guy loved him, older gentleman, and I says ‘Boss, you better get out there. There is a big problem brewing’ and he said to me ‘Fierimonte, you’re always exaggerating, every time you do something you exaggerate’. I said ‘Boss, I’m telling you go’, he says ‘You know what I’m going to 5 o’clock mass, I’ll stop out there and take a look, but you know Tony, I’m wasting my time’. Half hour later he comes in he’s bleeding from his forehead, [laughter] somebody threw a stone at him, ‘Fierimonte, I’ll never talk to you again! What did you do, you dumbass? What the hell is going on?’ Anyways, he then started the ball rolling for MO4, which means calling all police officers in, a huge crowd had gathered and they started to break in to these stores".
I've seen that story somewhere else back in time. Probably accurate.