Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
Actually many muslims are okay with abortion as are many jews. It is the Christian right in this country that has taken the mantle on legislating by their book.
From Wikipedia, "In all, there are 57 members in the Organization of Islamic Conference—an organisation of countries with Muslim majorities or pluralities. Most Muslim countries have restrictive abortion laws that permit abortions only when the life of the mother is threatened. Twelve members of the Organization of Islamic Conference allow unrestricted access to abortion. With the exception of Turkey and Tunisia, they are mainly former Soviet Bloc states. Bahrain, a politically and socially conservative Muslim state, is the 12th among these countries to permit unrestricted access to abortion. Among socially conservative Muslim countries, seven countries permit abortion in the first 4 months of gestation for fetal deformities, four countries in Sub-saharan Africa [[Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Guinea) and three in the Middle East [[Kuwait, Qatar and, now, Iran)"

Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
It might be hard to believe but despite things being okay in Michigan I think it is silly that a woman's right to bodily autonomy depends on how religious of a state one lives in. Abortions will continue to happen and people with means will still be able to leave whatever backwoods state they are in to get healthcare. It is the people who CAN'T afford to do that that I worry about. There are plenty of examples already how restricting this care is impacting women.

I have to keep asking this question, how would you feel if Muslims were legislating by their book? What if somehow the court was packed with religious zealots of a different stripe? Would you be so welcoming to that kind of rule as you are when it is your religious group?
You ignore the 10th. Amendment. Abortion is still legal as a state prerogative as it always has been. Some states like Oregon were freed by the Supreme Court to allow abortions up to deliveries just as other states were free to get rid of abortion. That's how democracy works.

I already posted on this thread expressing my support for state based versions of Rowe vs. Wade slightly adjusted to reflect medical advances since 1973. I also supported free speech. Laws should be guided by how people vote and the Constitution rather than how you or I "feel".