People act like the last 3.5 years were the only ones in history and the things that happened,never happened or existed before Trump.

6 out of the last 7 Republican President won the seat by the electoral vote and not popular vote.

Trump wins and all of the country discovers that it even existed.

1968 tens of thousands rioted and battled at the Democratic convention in Chicago.

Trump did not create racial tensions or divide a nation.

There has always been racial tension and division in this country even at the breakout of WW2 when they say the country came together we were still a divided nation.

Nobody will ever change that no matter what.

Trump did not embolden white supremacy groups,they have always been there and doing their thing.

Trump empowered idiocy?

There is 325 million people in this country,nobody needs to empower idiots,they exist in their own realm and empower themselves.

Just watch Fail Army,there is no shortage of idiots.

Trumps response to C-19 killed the economy?

You guys are the ones demanding lockdowns and getting paid to stay home,even Biden is championing going back to lockdowns.

That is what hurt the economy,for some,the ones that kept working actually made good money.

The Democratic Party is the one pushing violence and the destruction of the working class,while they stay protected by security while removing the people’s right to protect themselves.

I was in Obama’s economy,he gave billions to shovel ready billionaire corporations where very little actually trickled down to the working class.

He gave billions to Wall Street and the banks and threw millions in the street while their pensions that they worked all their lives evaporated.

Then got all his buddies sweet multi million dollar a year salaries for consulting no show jobs.

He allowed pharmaceutical companies to jack the prices up to where nobody could even offered their medications,but his buddies still got consulting jobs with multi million dollar salaries.

Obama sold the country out at the expense of the citizens so his click could become billionaires,and he is a hero.

The media brainwashing is pretty effective if one chooses to close their eyes to the facts.