Quote Originally Posted by Bobl View Post
Scared. Why? Trickle down economics does not work. Deregulation aids the wealthiest people and corporations, while harming the average Joe or Mary. Last time we had a derugalation and trickle down supply side president, we were losing 800,000 jobs per month at the end of his term. Last time we had a deregulation, supply side president with a republican house and senate, the great depression followed. So far, his cabinet picks point in President Harding's direction.
Bobl, You took the name of Warren Harding in vain. Only insults to Calvin Coolidge could be worse. Harding was successful when he slashed the role of government through cuts in federal spending and in tax rates. Lowering unemployment form 11.2% to 2.4% WHILE cutting the federal budget in half and reducing taxes by one-third isn't too bad. I would have liked Obama better had he done the same. Hoover was different. The economy crashed under Hoover and remained underwater until WWII and the post war rebuilding of Europe put Americans back to work. Obama locked in half of Bush's tax cuts for the rich permanently by the way. If only Trump could be as successful with the economy and keeping the US out of war as Harding and Coolidge.