Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
Isn't this about the third hit and run downtown? Can't people slow down, or at least stop when they run people down?

Reward offered for tips in death of Greektown artist
My gal and I were waiting at the light, one car back, when this all went down.

With all of the rush hour commotion, we didn't see a thing until one man ran across the street from the Millender block yelling, "he hit him and didn't even stop". Could barely see his crumpled form.

I've been quite reactionary whenever traffic stops, changing lanes and turning off the instant something clogs up...and did so that evening, too.

My gal was practically hollering at me about it, too...how could we leave a man lying in the road?!

There was nothing we could do about it but add to the crowd, and there was already one person attending to him. Surely some of the immediate eye-witnesses were already calling 911, and with all those cameras...

...but damnit...all those cameras. Cops in almost all of the nearby intersections totally fucking up the flow of traffic. And none of them worth a good dog-damn when something serious goes down.

In rush hour.

I swear they had the model of vehicle wrong when they reported it on the news. That driver needs to fry...I hope this reward brings folks forward who can finger the person responsible.