Quote Originally Posted by hybridy View Post
Hudson’s will flood market with unnecessary office space and hotel rooms, but it’s newness appeals. Ren Cen 2.0, if it even gets completed.
I think such direct comparisons fail to appreciate the enormity of the Renaissance Center, one of the world's largest buildings at 5.5 million square feet. Estimates for the Hudson's and Monroe projects together are little more than half that total, about 3 million sq ft. The combined office space is planned to be 1.2 million sq ft, well below half of the Ren Cen's 3 million. Hotel space is probably the closest comparison, with a planned addition of about 1000 rooms compared to 1300 at the Marriott.

The Monroe and Hudson's projects do remedy what the Ren Cen failed to do though, which is add residential. Estimates are a modest 750 units, a good amount, but will hardly flood the market.