ICTMN’s Rob Capriccioso Discusses Billion-Dollar Settlement on NPR
By ICTMN StaffApril 16, 2012

Indian Country Today Media Network’s Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief Rob Capriccioso appeared on National Public Radio to discuss the recent decision by the Obama Administration to resolve 41 long-standing disputes with Indian tribal governments over the federal mismanagement of trust funds and resources for a sum of $1.023 billion.

“Some people are very excited to have a President that they strongly supported having his administration make this kind of progress that no other presidents have done for many many years,” Capriccioso tells host Michel Martin, “so for them it’s an obvious win-win situation. Others are looking at the dollar-amount—one billion is a lot of money, no doubt, but divided [among] 41 tribes becomes much less money.”

To listen to the interview, visit NPR.org.

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Original story:
Obama Moves to Settle 41 Tribal Trust Cases for $1 Billion

By Rob Capriccioso April 11, 2012

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration announced April 11 its intent to resolve 41 long-standing disputes with Indian tribal governments over the federal mismanagement of trust funds and resources.
Ignacia Moreno, assistant attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice, said the settlements will amount to a combined total of $1.023 billion to the 41 tribes for past federal mismanagement.
Beyond money, the settlements also set forth a framework for promoting tribal sovereignty and improving nation-to-nation federal-tribal relations, while trying to avoid future litigation through improved communication, Moreno said.

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