11 December

P1. Art/Culture: Born in Philadelphia in 1904, she sold her first cartoon to the Public Ledger. When The
Saturday Evening Post asked her to create a strip to replace Henry, she came up with Little Lulu. In
the first, Lulu, as a wedding flower girl, tosses banana peels in the aisle. Hint: Gale Storm.
A. Ethel Hays B. June Tarpé Mills C. Marty Links D. Marge Buell

P2. Geography: In 1994, President Boris Yeltsin orders Russian troops into where? Hint: In the mail?
A. Belarus B. Chechnya C. Kazakhstan D. Ukraine

P3. History/Politics: Born in Greenwich Village in 1882, he was the 99th mayor of NYC. At 5’ 2”, people
called him The Little Flower. Though a Republican, he was a New Dealer who supported FDR.
Today he is acclaimed one of the half dozen greatest mayors ever. Hint: Arrival time.
A. Robert Wagner, Jr. B. Jimmy Walker C. John Lindsay D. Fiorello La Guardia

4. Language: Which word is spelled incorrectly?
A. Definitely B. Changeable C. Independant D. Cemetery

P5. Literature: Born in Kislovodsk, Russia, in 1918, he was allowed only one novella published in the
Soviet Union, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The rest, on his way to a Nobel, Cancer Ward,
The Gulag Archipelago, and others were published elsewhere. Hint: Big library in Egypt.
A. Boris Pasternak B. Vasily Zhukovsky C. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn D. Joseph Brodsky

P6. Music/Dance: Born in France in 1803, he was a romantic composer who liked to conduct orchestras
of 1000 musicians or more. Symphonie fantastique may have been his best work. Wagner, Strauss,
Liszt, Mahler owe him. Hint: Foreign Language Ed. Co., sort of.
A. Gabriel Fauré B. César Franck C. Hector Berlioz D. Charles Gounod

P7. People: Born in Detroit in 1939, an anti-war, civil rights activist, co-founder of SDS, married to Jane
Fonda, one of the Chicago 8, California state senator. Hint: A traditional sunny activity.
A. Alan Haber B. Michael Harrington C. Tom Hayden D. Irving Howe

P8. Potluck: Born in Aurora, Colorado, in 1943, he went to Vietnam after graduation from Yale,
commanded a Swift boat, was awarded a Silver Star and a Bronze Star for valor, and 2 Purple
Hearts, joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War, ran successfully for the Senate in Mass., ran
unsuccessfully for President, and is now the U. S. Secretary of State. Hint: Miss Nation.
A. Henry Cabot Lodge B. Michael Dukakis C. John Kerry D. leveret Saltonstall

P9. Quotations: Upon arriving at U. S. customs: “I have nothing to declare except my genius.”
A. Oscar Wilde B. Dorothy Parker C. Stephen Fry D. Elton John

P10. Science/Technology: Born in Dover, Delaware, in 1863, she lost most of her hearing early, possibly
from scarlet fever. Her mom taught her the stars. She loved them. They did not speak. She
studied them at Wellesley College. She and Edward C. Pickering created a stellar classification
scheme based on temperature. Hint: Movie starring Peck, Niven, Quinn, Quayle, Irene Papas.
A. Henrietta Swan Leavitt B. Willamina Fleming C. Annie Jump Cannon D. Antonia Maury

P11. Sports/Games: In baseball, which of these numbers has never been retired? Hint: Benny’s Age - 1
A. 13 B. 22 C. 30 D. 38

P12. Stage/Screen: Born in Magenta, Italy, in 1912, this film producer and husband of Sophia Loren had
over 140 films to his credit, including the production of Fellini’s La Strada, Marriage Italian Style,
and David Lean’s Doctor Zhivago. His motto: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
A. Carlo Ponti B. Sergio Leone C. Roberto Ameroso D. Luchino Visconti

P13. Extra Credit: Which of these films was the biggest flop? [[It lost 60 million dollars.)
A. Lolita [[1997 version) B. Beloved [[1998) C. All the King’s Men [[1998 version) D. Father’s Day [[1997)

Answers: 1D; 2B; 3D; 4C; 5C; 6C; 7C; 8C; 9A; 10C; 11D; 12A; 13D