Apparently, a plan to build a mosque has pissed off some folks in Sterling Heights. I noticed a few interesting aspects in the various articles about the issue at hand. Most notably, the strong presence of Chaldean protesters in the various city hall meetings. I grew up less than a mile from the proposed site, so I find some of the comments interesting. One that stuck out was from this Detnews story:

"We are upset but not because it is a mosque," said Debbie Rossi, a long-time city resident, who also lives across from the site. "This is being planned in a residential Catholic community. But we live here because it is a residential community. Now we have deer and fox and beautiful trees. I don't want to hear calls for prayer five times a day but I would be opposed to a church being put up on the site.

I am not sure I follow. There is a residential Catholic community near 15/Mound? I lived right near there for 21 years and I don't recall any community that was specifically designated as Catholic.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on the protests and the plan in general?