I learned everything I know by reading help forums , articles online , etc. , I'm not an expert by any means , but when you have many people in many forums having the same problems you learn along the way . I have since bought another operating system , but I couldn't believe by uninstalling a standalone Norton freed up over 80% of my C drive space . Nothing wrong with a pay AV program as long as it doesn't hog resources . I also have McAffe because it came with the pc and so far so good . Another thing with Norton if you've re-subscribed , make sure they don't auto subscribe you when your time is up . You can check by going to your Norton account on their website , sign in and check , not sure about other AV programs . Here's another resource pc help Group that used to be MSN's Group Help Desk and handed over to a select group of people , been a member here for 12 years and learned alot . You can read the pc help area , but must join to post and or read the other boards . Tell em MaDDoG sent you .