Quote Originally Posted by Islandman View Post
Oh, you really haven't lived until you've been handcuffed in the back of a cop car, while a fat ass cop has been choking you until you can't breathe, while his partner is calmly sitting in the front passenger seat. As soon as he was done with his fun, I asked his partner "did you see that?". I got Dan Wesson's answer: "Didn't see a thing."

This happened back in the 80s in Detroit. I was suspected of committing a drive by near by. Granted, I didn't even own a car, and I had just gotten home from Army boot camp to visit.

Some of you have no fucking clue. Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with you? What if this was the wrong guy, as has happened God know how many times?

So you are all cool now that if the cop knows that you did something wrong, they get to beat you after arrest? What if you're hauling ass back to the burbs after downing a few tall boys at the Joe and you get pulled over? You're committing a crime, should the police get to sucker punch you after they put you in cuffs? Which crimes should be on the list as crimes that the police get to hit you after arrest?

It's a fucking slippery slope that fortunately most of the dumb ass posters above will never have to experience first hand.

Police should arrest suspects without emotion and with professionalism, no matter what the crime. What if this asshole gets off now because of those few kicks and punches?!? Seriously, use some goddamn common sense.

And before you start parroting "well, look what he did!", the crime has absolutely nothing to do with a cop's ethics and professionalism. But hey, you police apologists sound like you'd be completely fine with police opening CIA "black sites" all over Detroit, and snatching every hoodlum off the street to do with what they will. They all deserve it right?

God Bless America, the land of freedom and human rights. Yeah, right.
I agree with what you've said. Do you agree that if suspect resists arrest, and might be armed and dangerous -- it is OK to use necessary force to restrain?

If so, then we can debate what is necessary. Otherwise, you're just preventing Detroit from achieving peace, freedom, and prosperity.