Channel 4 had this guy at halloween called Count Scary, and he used to say "oooh, that's sca-a-ary" but it was a really bad take off of Sir Graves Ghastly. We renamed him Count Stupid, and and changed his motto to "oooh, that's stooopid."

Then, it must have been 1981 or '82 when the Red Wings sucked so bad they went "zero for Channel 20." Back in those days they only showed about 20 Wings games a year on TV, and on a rare occasion you could catch one on Hockey night in Canada on Channel 9.

And as someone asked above: What's the name of this town? Geektown was the answer, as another WGPR personality, RJ Watkins, had his own group for a second called RJ's Latest Arrival, and their song was called "We Are Here to Geek You Up."

Channel 62's commercials were as low budget as you could get. The Singleton Cleaners commercial cracked me up when the guy asked "how do I look?". The guy at the competitors cleaners said, "you down, you down" and the customer replied "I wish my sleeves was down".

One day I was hanging out with a bunch of girls who went to St. Mary's of Redford that lived in Rosedale Park, and they described my latest girlfriend as like "watching channel 62 24 hours a day." I still crack up when I think about that.