Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
I do the same too, with my clients from my film company. But we carry protection by any means necessary. Next time you want to take your clients on the grand tour of the ghetto hoods in Detroit, carry your protection from security squads to having a piece. Ignorant folks wearing Trayvon Martins, don't give a _____ about you! They want to money, clothes and anything that you have. I have been those situation when I been robbed three times in the ghetto even at gun point. Give them what you want and by their judgement call the robber will decide to kill or spare you. This is way the of life in the poor ghetto hoods in Detroit and you know better.

Just like in the Bible. Jesus' disciples notice his robe was missing and thief took it while they sleeping in the Judean wilderness. One of the disciples said 'The thief took my robe.' Jesus said, 'Then you should go and find that thief and give him your cloak.'
Danny this is how I generally think. I really don't want to carry a gun but would reather give up what I have in exchange for not being shot. In this instance I chose to step on the gas and get the fuck out of there, I also did not realize those dudes were running up on us with gun in hand, I only got that feeling when I saw them with hoodies up in 90 degree weather. It wasn't until I saw Night Timer running and diving in the truck that I realized we actually were targets and then I heard the kid yelling Give it up Give it up. Night Timer was glad I did take off but I also could have gotten him or me killed. It was a decision I had to make without knowing all the information. It all worked out and have a story for the grandchildren but I agree that you should generally give your shit up if they have a gun at your head. Possessions don't mean much to me but Night Timer has a huge investment in his.