Quote Originally Posted by Dexlin View Post
Okay, you're just trolling, now, I see. You know as well as anyone that that is not objectively true in any fashion. I'm a big booster of even what many would call crappy neighborhoods, but HP is the Detroit of inner-city Detroit. HP has every proble Detroit has, but without even anything that could be hoped to be built on to pull it out of it's spiral in the future. Highland Park would probably be the only city in the entire region that you actually benefit, on net, from merging with Detroit.

I know you are kidding. There is no way you are that dense.

Trolling huh?

Both Hamtramck and Detroit have emergency managers. Detroit is going through bankruptcy. Neither of the two city's mayor or city councils have any true power.

Does Highland Park have similar issues? Yes, but as of today, it is better off both politically and financially. You just have a hard time facing the facts.