I'm starting with city wide and then try to break down the district races in subsequent posts.

Might be a little difficult. Hard to find info on the candidates for police commission. The Detroit election page is a mess, and the mainstream media isn't one iota better.


Not gonna spend too much time on this. Story has been beaten to death.

Michael Duggan vs Benny Napoleon

I'm going for Mike, but I'm sure either will be better than the absolute fucking GARBAGE we've had sitting in office since May 09.

City Clerk

Janice Winfrey

She crushed the field. Her nearest competition who she'll be going against in the general

D. Etta Wilcoxon

I didn't vote for either of these people. I've been openly critical of Winfrey's many, many fuckups in this election.

HOWEVER...I'm gonna have to vote for her in November. When the choice is horseshit or cowshit, whatcha gonna do?