Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
Great summary. My only criticism is the degree to which you use the passive voice. "evolved...left with poverty and unemployment rates...resulting rise...leaving the City of Detroit...unfixable situation exists...was awarded"

I believe the missing component in your missive and in Detroit's mindset is acceptance that the actions of the City are part of the problem. Sure, they may not even by 10% of the problem. But they are not insignificant.

Unless we accept our minor but crucial role in creating the crisis, we will not find help forthcoming. Many of the 80% outside the city may see the problem, and want to help. But they won't do so until Detroit helps itself and stops blaming the problem solely at the economy, racism, and globalization.

Only Detroit can change the debate. Only Detroit can change itself.
this warm and fuzzy "change itself" comment might fly on a saturday night over a doobie, but falls far short of the bar when actually trying to put it into practice; unless you are talking about allowing residents to literally take up land and 'change' it- which i am all for.