Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
But that entrance ramp was built for the purpose of being directly accessed by Abbott St. Thereby keeping the other nearby streets that cross the freeway from backing up. Access to the Lodge via Abbott was the very reason why they built a bridge over that street years ago, rather than just shut it off then.

It seems pretty dumb to go to all the trouble to build a new police headquarters in a central location, only to screw up the designed traffic pattern by closing off a major traffic artery that runs near it - with no public review. If that was going to be the case, like Mark Smiles says above, why not build it on some of the great abundance of empty land this city has that is well away from any major traffic?
For that matter, why not just stay put, spend the $60 mil on more cops and cop cars, make a dent in the crime, then people might consider staying put, or moving back to the City, increasing the tax base..... Oh wait, there I go hating Detroit again and wanting it to fail.....