Mongo ought to have waited in secret and let them get far enough into their painting for the tags to be discernible. Then there would be something more than trespassing to prosecute them for, and if they weren't caught on the spot it would be easier to headhunt them. And perhaps he could have grabbed a weapon and reinforcements. Graffiti is a cat and mouse game. But what's done is done.
Don't know why taggers don't give that synagogue the same respect that Christian churches get. The church on Alexandrine just west of Woodward is the only church in town - beyond long abandoned ones - that I can think of that's I've ever seen defaced by graffiti. Places of worship and open businesses go against a code of conduct more ethical practitioners follow. But they're all just animals to the curmudgeons of DetroitYes, so go ahead, rant away. I'm sure not sticking up for these fools.