You have no business thinking of bringing a child into harm's way. As far as I'm concerned, that is child endangerment. I grew up in Detroit and lived there 40 years. When my child couldn't ride his bike down our one of the best areas...without fear of getting shot, it was time to get the heck out. It isn't a matter of just being vigilant, street smart and doing normal things to protect yourself, family and property. Detroit criminal scum is not normal. They have no regard for human life..they'd just as soon shoot you for fun. Don't fall for the "this neighborhood or that neighborhood is safe or great". Misery loves company and they figure if they are surviving and managing, you should be able to too. Think of your child...who could be made parentless by some street thug. You can make your home a virtually fortress, but you have to go out sometime. I don't understand the thinking of those who CHOOSE to move into or live in such a dangerous place. Some have no way to escape, and I understand that. But some... Death wish??? Many on this site won't like what I'm saying, but they know deep down it is the truth.