After hearing Kym Worthy on Craig Fahle this AM it is time to change the Thread title and bump this.

She made very convincing points about how the prosecutor's office is a mandated function of Wayne County and how Ficano, who it was clear from her tone she thinks very lowly of, is not meeting that mandate and indeed, using funds for non-mandated service ahead of the prosecutor's budget.

Another point she scored was how he reneged on a previous funding agreement by considering previous operational items that were outside the budget as now part of the budget, thereby effectively reducing the total budget.

The dispute has led her to file what is essentially a breach of contract suit against the County.

She stumbled a bit over the question of why the no-show prosecution was solely at 36th District and not at other venues.

This feud leads to my question. If Worthy decided to launch a primary challenge against Ficano who do you think would prevail?