The worst add is that of the old married couple sitting at the kitchen table. They are babbling about all the proposals and say none of them are any good. What reason do they give? The old man states that any change to the Constitution is bad. Really! Are these people that simple minded just because someone proposes to change the Constitution it is bad? Let’s go back in time where change is good in my opinion. Hmmm. Remind me, what exactly is the “Bill of Rights”. Hello, only the first TEN Amendments to the Constitution. Do I need to remind those old codgers of this? What did those Amendments to the Constitution bring us? Only the right of free speech, the right to bear arms, the right of free assembly, only to name a few. The old hag should be old enough to remember the 19th Amendment or she wouldn’t even be having the discussion with her old man because she wouldn’t have the right to vote. Using the 18th and 21st Amendment as examples show that even if a proposal is passed that doesn’t work out, it can be repealed. Hey, at least they tried to shake things up. Look at all the jobs they created, bootleggers, blind pig owners, organized crime, a whole slew of government jobs, and Stroh’s Beer started to make that tasty ice cream.
Rather than having a blanket NO on all the proposal people should read each one and determine on a one by one basics if the proposal is merited. Yes, I know these are State Constitution proposals but the analogy is the same.
Change is not always bad. Sometimes, change is good.