Yep; everything has to be proprietary; always has in PCs. My first "new" PC was a Compaq back in 1996 when Windows 95 was new. Damn thing came with a 14400 modem which was okay for awhile but then they upped speeds and I wanted to upgrade the modem in the PC. I read up on it, bought a 28800, called my daughter's boyfriend who was my mentor and the network mgr at Northwood University at the time. He came over with his tools. I took the side off and sat down to go to work. {Jim always watched me and offered words of wisdom, but never took the screwdriver out of my hands when we did things together}. I started unscrewing things, confident it would be quick. Nope. They had the damn thing soldered in. After hours of working to remove it, we finally decided to use the other serial port and disable the old one, which was not as easy as it sounds. And it's been a merry go round ever since. I just build my own now, but there is always some BS to deal with in the settings or drivers that don't work.