Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
Sounds like a bonifide flop-house and there are many. Made up of people and family members of all ages... After all from the many abandoned homes in the city not all of the inhabitants left, nor are they all homeless. Thus, large numbers of folks congregate in a home or flat... varying streams of income, hustles, lifestyle, disorder, chaos, and what we saw in those news reports. No time to clean up for the cameras...

I've worked with and mentored teens who lived in these settings. It was nearly impossible to function productively or even keep clothes washed as often the water is turned off - no heat in the winter... This is the kind of setting where people come and go all times of day and night. Couches and floors are were people/ children sleep, or shall I say take turns sleeping, etc. Not a place for a child. This is beyond sad...
They had money to spend on security. It looks like it was a bit more than a flop house.

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