Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
nope. he just raised taxes on people who choose not to get healthcare.
Why do people refer to it as a tax? Is it not in actuality a fine or penalty? Is the right just arguing semantics now?

I'm going to add something new. When Congress gave Wall Street bonuses instead of putting those bankers in prison, I concluded that there had been a huge change in US politics. The corporations were now in control. This was voted on just weeks before the presidential elections and the majority of Congress members felt compelled rub there noses in it and vote for the bankers instead of their constituents. I view the ruling claiming that we can be taxed for not buying something as just another brick in the wall of corporate rule. What if Congress votes to make insurance companies to require that we buy one or two other things, for our own welfare of course? Bankers get bonuses and we get our pockets vacuumed.
Listen, I don't like the fact that greedy, selfish insurance giants are still a part of the picture. Let me ask you this....... do you think something as aggressive as single payer plan ever stood a chance of getting through legislation? I personally don't. The right did a pretty good job or organizing against the ACA. I'll give them credit, although they had the $$ backing of the insurance companies, and the key to the conservative safe. But imagine the level of aggressiveness that would have been on display if something even grander was on the docket. I picture burning cars and jets streaking through city centers.

I heard somebody say somewhere else, our country is not ready to make that leap yet. But in this case, we have to break an egg to make an omelet. And we also have a very sturdy stepping stone to make the next leap to something even better.

How can you discount all the good elements of the ACA? Specifically the ten items Whitehouse listed in his earlier post. Your unwillingness to champion ANY of those positive elements reveals a deeper personal motive regarding your disdain for the bill.