Am I the only one who finds something odious in all of this new urban planning? Correct me if you I'm wrong, but it seems like the game plan many urban planners in Detroit are trying to push goes like this: convert the poorest neighborhoods into farms, and gentrify the remaining neighborhoods and Downtown/Midtown until poor people get priced out. It sounds a lot like the brilliant urban planning of the 1960s, just instead of converting the blight in the city into concrete structures and roads, this time we're going to make them farms. How will this help fix Metro Detroit's social problems?

I have other concerns, too. How much money will farming really make for people in Detroit? It's certainly not going to rival the money industry once made in the city, right? And while ant green energy developments sound promising, does Detroit really have enough room within its borders to become a major player?

Maybe I'm wrong to doubt these things. I'd like to be proven wrong by someone, actually.