Every year recently, at right about this time of year, these sport bike idiots come out and rip around our streets with their ultra loud motorcycles acting a fool all over the city.

I've had groups of them fly by me on both sides of my car at insane speeds, seen them weaving in and out of traffic and cutting between lanes in a ridiculously dangerous way, watched them do wheelies and other adolescent stunts on open public streets in traffic, and been woken out of sound sleep in the middle of the night by the roaring sound of a group of them screaming down the street sounding like someone's running a 2 AM Formula One race right outside my building.

It's hard for me to gloat about someone's potential death or injury, especially when a person just going about their business is involved [[as is almost always the case), but I will admit to having had the angry passing thought more than once that I sure wouldn't mind if some of these guys took themselves out and destroyed their little idiot overgrown kiddie toys with their foolishness, like this guy apparently did.

Of course, if I was actually on the scene, like the original poster, I'd feel compelled to run over and help the heedless rider anyway. Such is life in the human community, and more than once I've come to the aid of people hurt by their own foreseeably stupid actions. But the one I'd feel most sorry for is the guy with the hole in the side of his van, whose day has just been ruined by a selfish immature fool.