I don't know why he would change his name from the one he used in the military. Pete House is a fairly common name, but I guess it couldn't hurt to give him a call.

I searched on the city property tax site and there were no current owners named Huis.
The current owner of record for 9717 Yellowstone is Margaret A Lowe.
The owners of 16551 Lauder are Kpoyor, Anthony and Angela Bailey.
There are many owners with the surname of House. One is named Jeanette at 13769 Sparling, but that seems like a long-shot.

Birth, death and marriage records are kept by the State of Michigan. Birth records are only available to the persons involved - parents and children. There are fees for obtaining records. I have never used them, so I can't say how thorough or reliable the searches are. The main problem with going this route is that none of the later marriages or deaths of the family members may have taken place in the State of Michigan.

There is a young Peter Huis with an English page on Facebook. I have no idea where he's located or any reason other than the name to believe he might be related.