The simple answer from wikipedia

Broaden Medicare tax base for high-income taxpayers: $210.2 billion The rich pay this the largest part..
Annual fee on health insurance providers: $60 billion
who pass along their new cost to policy holders
40% excise tax on health coverage in excess of $10,200/$27,500: $32 billion
Let' hope inflation doesn't push us into those categories. Until that day, this is another bill for the rich to pick up.
Impose annual fee on manufacturers and importers of branded drugs: $27 billion
Impose 2.3% excise tax on manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices: $20 billion
These last two new taxes will be passed along to patients
Raise 7.5% Adjusted Gross Income floor on medical expenses deduction to 10%: $15.2 billion
If you get really sick and have to take a medical deduction, it will be reduced by Obamacare.
Limit contributions to flexible spending arrangements in cafeteria plans to $2,500: $13 billion All other revenue sources: $14.9 billion
Weren't flexible spending arrangements developed to reduce health care costs?