Quote Originally Posted by Gsgeorge View Post
I am honestly not surprised. This reeked of shoddy, cheap construction from the start, and by the looks of the building and the way it was hurriedly assembled, burst pipes are the least of its problems. How did Sue Mosey let this one slip by? This location is ideal for an inviting strip of streetside retail to service the school, not a shoddy apartment building with garage doors in front of the sidewalk. And the building's garish rear ruins the sight lines of Old Main across Wayne State's new "Front Yard" [[another poorly executed wholesale replacement of decent streetside retail). Combine this with that horrible looking Subway all alone by itself in a giant field of nothing, right by what should be one of Detroit's most active streetcorners, and you can't help but say: what were they thinking?????
I couldn't believe how quickly they threw that thing up. Typical WSU detachment. And how about that laughable facade they threw over the old chemistry building to make it look like something less soviet? These two buildings depict a depressing truth about the WSU bureaucracy.

I think the consensus on that subway is that WSU is waiting/hoping to force them out so that they can then develop the whole lot and not have to build around it...