OK, I'll be the optimist.

1) An emergency financial manager is appointed, but, as in Hamtramck and Highland Park, the sky doesn't fall. Council members howl mightly but are roundly ignored.

2) Police and fire are cut, but crime and fires hold steady—they do not increase.

3) Population increase in the central city continues and partially offsets neighborhood losses. Independent businesses in Corktown, southwest, WSU area, and Hamtramck begin to coalesce into hubs of residential and business activity.

4) More sections of the Riverwalk approach completion and are heavily used even before they officially open.

5) New housing developments touting proximity to the Riverwalk are announced.

6) As SMART and DDOT wither, Rick Snyder pushes through measures legalizing private jitney vans on major arteries; they are spectacularly successful.

7) Snyder passes the new bridge by decree. Industry leaders put the screws to legislative Republicans not to resist.

8) Two large new restaurants aimed at families open downtown and flourish.