Ravine, before you accuse someone of lying here you should make some inquiry into whether your accusations are actually true. If you've ever been to Sweden you would know that many imported television shows are shown in English and that most people speak English very well. You might also like to know that I worked in London for two years, so I know a thing or two about the language and grittiness.

Regardless, I must say it is disconcerting that someone would try to recommend that I move to highland park. It is also disconcerting that a simple question about moving to Detroit results in such a big argument. People who think I should move there are dismissed as pollyannas, which may have some truth to it but there is no reason to be nasty. People who say not to move there are insinuated to be racist. At the same time the people whodismiss detroit seem to ignore the fact that the apparently massive population exodus in recent decades is one reason why Detroit is in it's current state. Perhaps if they or their families had not left the city it would be a place more people would want to move to.

Most people on this forum have given positive and helpful advice but the nastiness I've seen is surprising.