Interesting views. So much has changed since the days when driving an import in Hamtramck was a no-no. I am not even American but I had tears in my eyes after seeing the Super Bowl ad. If people think it is only an ad, fine. But there are people who live this thing every day. I don't like the modern cars too much although if new Challengers and Rams would be available in Europe without huge protectionist taxes I would have one of each. I had the opportunity to get a full tour of the Warren Truck plant and it was a delight to see the dedication to their product. Either you love Chryslers or you don't.The commercial didn't make me teary eyed because it is some empty words that talk me into something, it is because it is my reality and the ad agency captured it 100%. But if it makes more people to wake up and buy American, great. That's what an ad is supposed to do.

It is interesting to hear about the whining regarding the company ownership...I hate Fiats, they are a piece of crap...but at least Chrysler has survived after Daimler pumped it dry. After the difficult years with the Germans there are still quite a bit of car guys at Chrysler and it shows. One can only wonder how much better off The Big Three would be without the idiotic government regulations and one sided treating of the import competition. US should put similar taxes on imports than the countries who send the government subsidized cars your way. And the "bailout"...people seem to forget that Chrysler has already paid it back..and Ford is the good guy? Doesn't it feel pretty obvious that the Ford guys got some inside info about what would happen and thus they re-organized their loans just in time?