Of course the KING BING is not getting some help for NEO-CONS who run the show in the Mackinaw confernce. They all TALK and no walk. KING BING doesn't want to be at a poltical show and stand at the podium talking to show horses about Detroit's negative image. He wants to get the job done while he's mayor. Most NEO-CONS state and county reps. see him as too old, and lost some appeal, giving the image of Detroit as a African American city that has aged and decayed since the Coleman A. Young years. After he left the conference its back to pugging up the common urban leaks which he's having trouble patching.

Folks, we Detroiters and suburbanites had to help KING BING put this city back together that way ot was during the days of the booming automobile and industrial commerce from 1910s to 1950s and make it last for 1000 years for more.


Because politics is a circus complete with a ringmaster, family with animals.

Neda, I miss you so.